
Eclipse - aw


09-13-2013, 02:07 PM

Renesme would be successful, crushing some bones in Canttina's paw, it only made the dame want to go further to cause more damage and see where it would lead. Snarls and yips would surround the two and with Renesme having a fair grip upon the womans scruff- she had nothing holding her back, attempting to deepen the wound Renesme would shake the cranium violently her jowls staying as secure as she could manage. lifting up the left paw would Ren attempt to scratch along the oppoinments chest to try to stop the heroic shaking to be free'd- Giving one final pull Ren hoped she would be successful with making a mess on the scruff- Canttina's attempts at getting free finally worked as a sharp pain to the right shoulder would send the glaciem member back, the sudden lash backwards causing flesh to rip free from the frame, about 2cm wide. Ren would move back quickly as Canttina's body would push against her to catch her of balance, there bodies colliding. For now Canttina would be in pain in her left toe, and with that Renesme would lunge to the right side [canttinas left] and turn 90 degrees to be in a position where hopefully the sandstone wolf would be in to much pain to move swiftly to go head on. only Time would tell. Lowering the cranium Renesme would open up her jaws wide to try to successfully bite down on the left hind leg, aiming to tear the top of the thigh where the muscles would lay. Her claws would lay firm onto the ground, keeping her balance as sterdy as possible. The tail would remain tucked, incase it would be torn of in complete anger

Renesme vs Canttina

Round- 2/3

Attacks- Renesme tries to keep her grip upon the scruff to cause further damage and possibly tear in half While trying to successfully claw on the womans chest.

Defenses- Ears tucked, eyes slit and weight evenly spread to prevent from being knocked down. Tail tucked between hind legs.

Injuries- open wound on left and right shoulder. Small bruising on the chest due to cantina ramming against Ren

I hope this made sense, I have limited time as ive gotta get of my laptop and head of to work<3