
A Moment Is All We Are




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
01-29-2021, 08:46 AM

You can take my heart, you can take my breath
When you pry it from my cold, dead chest


Viper raised a brow to his offer of the hare. She wouldn't expect to be given her meals and certianly didn't want it that way. Where her nose was once lowered to sniff the kill, she now raised her head at least more level with the male, or how ever level she could come with him. He was still a good amount taller than her, but his size and his appearance wouldn't frighten her in the slightest, no matter how much he may have wanted to himself. She remembered once when she was very young, taking down her first prey on her own. And if Viper had ever been afraid of anything, it was herself in the moment she killed her first deer. But not because of the blood or the loss of something's life, but because she liked taking it's life. She now instead focused on other things rather than the enjoyment of killing something, her family's demented bloodlines she kept caged inside her. She wouldn't know there was no denying it because even while she ignored the fact that she ever had parents or a family, while she was in Elias' care she chose not to get to know him. He was after all keeping her captive.

But because of the brute's forward announcement of simply liking the loss of life he gave the creature, it would set Viper off a little inside. But his next few words would only ignite her more. Viper wasn't hiding her maim because of shame. Her own appearance had never meant anything to her. Save for her jacked body where she surpassed any healing aide she would have needed along the way. Though her mother was a healer herself, she didn't spend enough time with her to know the importance or even just the general knowledge of caring for herself that way. And where her mother was very self conscious about her overall appearance, Viper was the complete opposite. It meant jack shit to her.

"What? No. I'm not hiding it." Viper didn't mean to show pity on the male, maybe more like they could have been the same given their alike appearances. Her immaturity may have been obvious. He'd state that hiding the maim was an insult to all fighters, and where she couldn't agree herself, it had her questioning. But instead of feeling an understanding to the male, where she may have thought they could previously, she wasn't feeling like this encounter would be as pleasant as she originally thought. As blunt or oblivious as Viper was to her own attitude, this guy was something else. "Why don' we rip apart your back and have someone pick you up by it?" Her voice was a bit at a shout, she had little care for how she was rubbing the brute. After all, he was pretty rude himself.

She wouldn't even consider his last question. Sure some wolves may have been adamant about telling a stranger where they lived, but Viper was simply not interested in listening to the brute anymore. Instead, she would growl first, but quickly lash out in attempt to grasp his front left leg where his foreleg and shoulder bone would meet, wanting to wrap her jaw around the inside and outside of the leg. She had no intent on playing games, he would be met with the same aggression he showed through his voice.

Walk "Talk" Think

Viper vs Yautja for Dominance
Round 1/?

Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Tusk armor
Defensive Battle Accessory: Chain mail
Skills: Master Fighter & Advanced Hunter
Specialty: N/A

OOC: I can agree to a no time limit if you want! I did remove her companion because she wouldn't have had it yet in this thread ;3