
Coming Out Party

Calix I


09-13-2013, 02:14 PM

He had become increasingly aware of the fact that there was an entire world being hidden from him. What had at first been just another wall to their den, though one made of light instead of darkness, had revealed itself to be something called an opening. The unfamiliar word had been given meaning when Calix first saw a wolf pass through it - something that certainly could not be done with the other three wolves. Curiosity had burned in his veins since that day, a curiosity that would not be sated as he spent hours staring fixedly at this fourth wall, this opening.

Calix had been, as he often was, watching this mysterious opening when he fell into sleep. It had opened up and swallowed him, dragging him into a mysterious and wildly interesting place, full of shadowy images that took the world that he knew and turned it on its head. He had fallen asleep curled around his favorite pebble, a small token of the mysterious outside that boasted of a thousand mysterious scents. It was the perfect size for the scrap to curl around when he slept, and he almost always slept as near it as he could bear to be.

The comforting rasp of his mother's tongue against his fur was what brought him back to the world that he shared with his family. Calix stirred, a low whine escaping his maw as he pawed at the ground, but it faded immediately as he processed what his mother said. "Ow... owtsid?" He questioned imperiously, gazing fixedly at the mysterious opening, his mother and siblings half forgotten already, along with his treasured pebble.
