
then comes poem with a baby carriage



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
01-28-2021, 10:19 AM
Poem never really knew Tana, by the time she was old enough to really realize her siblings had a different mother she had all but disappeared. Part of her knew that the tiny woman had gotten in the way of her own perfect family, but all of her parents relationships had long been sorted out by the time she even could walk. Sometimes she craved those nights where Rhyme and Shaye both curled around her and Motif, but they were few compared to her uncle Taphy. The thought made her sad, but she was glad that Sparhawk was her husband. The puppies! growing inside of her would have both parents all of the time. Unlike Rhyme there would be no sharing.

Theory’s vow warmed the young woman, knowing her sister would be beside her through the whole experience soothed her. Alone was not a word she would be using to describe the raising of her children. They would have a whole village to rely on. ”I know you will be, I wouldn't have it any other way.” She aimed to press her forehead against Theory’s as she shared the special moment with her sister. Similar blue eyes met as her sister assured her that she would be well cared for. Poem wouldn’t want for anything during her pregnancy.

She was still trying to come to terms with reality, there were little pups growing within her and she felt excitement, love, and overwhelmed all at once. ”I think I’ll tell him tonight. I don’t know if I can handle anything big.” She confessed. Thankfully Theory would be there when she told Rhyme. She wasn’t sure why she was so nervous about that reveal. ”It’ll be perfect just him and I cuddled up in our den.” The thought warmed her as much as knowing how excited Sparhawk would be once he knew. ”Maybe over dinner..” She thought out loud as her gaze grew distant. For now though, she’d take the time to clean up their little hime, get dinner, and get comfortable with the thought of being pregnant. ”I’ll meet up with you tomorrow to find Dad.”