
In A Moment of Stillness



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-28-2021, 10:20 AM
Ásvor nodded solemnly at her words. They could joke about it all they wanted because she highly doubted it would come to that, but there was a seriousness to her words. The depths she'd go to, to protect both Valdís and Ulfr, were limitless. She hoped Valdís had some hint of just how much she'd do for her family - unflinchingly. Perhaps that level of loyalty was unusual but for them Ásvor would gladly sacrifice anything, even her own faith. She breathed a content sigh. "I'm sure we could make it quite inventive," Ásvor agreed easily. She wasn't sure what sort of method she'd prefer to use if someone truly hurt a member of her family. Perhaps a swift, merciful death wasn't the best. For a moment she considered the sort of poisons she could concoct to enact a painful, lingering death - but her thoughts quickly shifted to her own mortality.

Death wasn't something she feared, though she didn't quite feel she'd used up all her time in this mortal realm quite yet. Ulfr was but a yearling now and still needed the guidance of both his mothers as he found his footing in the world. But of course it was not entirely about Ulfr, even if it mostly was. Ásvor wasn't completely surprised by her wife's answer to the question she'd prompted, even if she hadn't known precisely how she'd respond. "I love that," she breathed another happy sigh. "And... I feel like your answer sort of skews whatever answer I would've given you, since it's so perfect and all," Ásvor grinned as she leaned in to nibble at the fur at the side of her wife's throat. "I'd just want to spend it with you and Ulfr. Somewhere quiet and lovely. Spending the rest of my days on a mountaintop, taking in the views sounds like a wonderful way to go." Truthfully she knew things weren't always so easy. Ásvor would fight in Fireside's army for as long as she was able and dying in battle was as worthy a cause as anything else, though at the end she knew and accepted that her fate was not entirely up to her.