
Sentinel on the Trail




3 Years
01-29-2021, 09:51 PM

Asuka Omori

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

He was slow to answer, his awkwardness slightly apparent to her, but she remained still, eagerly waiting his explanation. And when he gave it, her head drew back a little in disbelief, her brow cocking curiously. What is this place?? she thought to herself, beginning to wonder if she should have come at all. Cairo shuddered and made a face, which managed to smooth her skepticism, but just slightly. Her tone, however, hid none of it. "Is that a... normal adventure, around here?" A single ear tilted off to the side, still staring at her companion with wide, questioning eyes. Luckily, though, he suggested that they get up to stretch, and Asuka's thoughts were torn away. Leaving the comfort of the brush was not something she was wont to do, but her bones aches as she shifted against the cold ground again. Hesitation gripped her tightly, eyes darting between the man opposite and their surroundings. As pleasant as this conversation had been so far, she truly could not yet trust him. However, he remained still, seemingly waiting for her to make the decision.

And then Cairo offered a snack. She tried hard not to show excitement, but she was sure the saliva already gathering in her maw would spill over soon. After a second more of deliberation, she gave a small nod, both ears slicking back. This stranger was unusually kind, and she was just waiting for the other paw to drop to ruin this interaction. "You are remarkably kind." Asuka nearly whispered her words, afraid speaking too loud would cause the scene to vanish. She ventured to ask another question, her tone gaining a bit in volume. "What called you from home?"

Talk talk talk is all you do
Thinking is too much work