
open up my eyes



4 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth
Pride - BisexualMammoth Hunter1KCritical Fail!
01-31-2021, 09:11 AM

Relm loved when her and Kefka made the trip down south. It wasn't for long, usually just the day. But she loved the discovery of Auster, and she was certainly wishing they didn't have to go back. That was no secret from her either. But Kefka made alliance to Lurid, and unfortunately for her, Relm was stuck with him. Sure she could have a young rebellion, run away and do what she wanted. But at heart, she loved her father and wanted nothing more than to impress him.

She hadn't explored all of Auster, but so far this was her favorite place and it was so close to the Bifrost. As much as Relm wasn't a girly girl, she did find this place quite beautiful, even in it's coldened winter state. Though, unknown to her that this was actually Auster's summer season.

She came here waiting for Kefka to make their return to Boreas, but there was no way of knowing how long he would be. And as she was sitting under one of the golden trees, a giant wolf of purple came across the grove only a short distance from her. She had not met another wolf with a strange color like her, though when she was very young it was all she knew. Her, Kefka, and Agria were all pink so she simply believed all wolves were pink until Kefka took her to Lurid and until she met others on her travels. Though she didn't think her appearance special or anything like that. She just now thought how cool it was to find someone like her, but also not like her.

She would rise rather eagerly, approaching him without asking and not making her presence known to him but also not hiding it. After she was close enough to let her voice reach him, whether he saw her or not, she would greet without so much as a hello, "You're purple." her head tilted in interest, but she also wasn't expecting him to respond if he didn't want to. Just thinking out loud.

Walk "Talk" Think