
chubby pubbies [CLOSED]



6 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
01-31-2021, 02:06 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2021, 02:09 PM by Mikko.)
Name: Villanelle (approved by Kat & Resin!) or Parody (or Elegy?? also approved)

Sex: Female

Size/Build: XL?/light

Design: #16 then #8


Design #16: Villanelle takes mostly after her mother in softness and elegance, sporting muted blues and grays as well as a dark mask that creates a slimness about her face. Her markings are simpler than those of either of her parents, consisting mostly of splotchy streaks of black and white about her shoulders and ribs. Don't be fooled by her outward simplicity, though, for she was born between warriors and carries the strength of one as well. Beneath well-kept fur and surrounding a lithe frame are muscles conditioned for speed, efficiency, and accuracy, making her a force to be reckoned with--well, when she has to be.

Design #8: One might not look upon Villanelle and guess her to be a child of her parents. Aside from her eyes, each a different but equally vibrant pastel, Nelle looks rather plain, dressed in shades of gray tinged with brown. Four ragged stripes stretch across her body, draped almost haphazardly over her spine and rump, with three more outlining her face and possibly creating more of a semblance to badger than wolf. Don't be fooled by this face, though, or by her bright and innocent eyes, for she was born between warriors and carries the strength of one as well. Beneath well-kept fur and surrounding a lithe frame are muscles conditioned for speed, efficiency, and accuracy, making her a force to be reckoned with--well, when she has to be.

Personality: Villanelle has an appreciation for poise and formality. Like her diplomat mother, she tends toward serious and bold, painting herself as proper before new faces and those she does not yet trust and saving a learned love of mischief for blood and close friends. On the battlefield she is a whirlwind, but amidst regular company, she is about as feminine as they come, delicate and deliberate in every gesture and expression.

Until she has a drink in her. She often forgets that she has her father's taste for alcohol and rarely drinks except for formal, political, and (if she can be convinced) social occasions, but once it touches her lips, she turns almost into a mirror of her father Sparhawk, warm and wrought with laughter and gossip. Never will anyone be able to coax her to test her singing voice in comparison to her father, but in those cases where she finds herself a hostage to one of his songs, she can be seen swaying fondly, even encouragingly, to its tune.

Whether feeling serious, playful, or angry, everything about her seems boldened by the lilt to her tongue, a faint accent picked up from her father but diluted by that of her mother. The roughness of this slight Russian accent, as it clashes with her prim and proper form, can sometimes catch strangers off-guard, something that secretly brings her amusement.

Skills: Fighter/Intellect

Plans: I want Nelle to dive deep into her parents' trades and possibly shadow her mother during her diplomatic duties. She'll want to keep her fighting skills on the down-low outside the pack but have them in her (figurative) back pocket should she ever run into trouble with a less-than-agreeable acquaintance. Of course, I want her to have kiddos someday, but this is less of a priority for her and more wishful thinking should she ever catch feelings for/be wooed by a boy. In terms of her immediate family, I want her to be close to her siblings, maybe even help take care of them since she'll be growing up more independent like Mom.
[Image: Mikko-Icon.png][Image: praxisicon.png][Image: sundaraicon.png][Image: NephIcon.png][Image: Karine-Icon.png]
Plot with me!

Mikko is a MATURE character. Discretion is advised.