



09-13-2013, 09:09 PM

The woman laid in the spot, her breath still short. Yellow orbs were still fuzzy with sleep blur. Ears swerved about as pawsteps came into their delicate holes. She was not scared, she smelled the scent of a female and then saw one. An ivory female with one brown ear. Canttina stared at the soon clearing image without an expression on her face. Mahogany features remained still as words filled the air. The voice was like a gentle lullaby to Canttina, but etched with a dark lust. Her mouth watered and core tingled with delight. A saliva covered tongue slithered across red stained fur as the cackle was let forth. Canttina's own horrid vocals were spewed forth, "You have no fuckin clue." The words for harsh and had no ounce of girlish twang within them. The demon was blunt and harsh, that is what this girl was going to get.

Yellow eyes would watch the sultry lady as she moved to look into the night sky. The form would lay and Canttina would remain in her warm wool. Her head cocked to the side as more lovely words were let forth. Canttina met those words with some of her own. "Ive yet to find a fucking Goose within the North, but if I do find one .. so help me Hades I will rip it to shreads and mash its very soul to a delicious pulp." A snarl was carried along with the words, pure rage was let forth but was soon filtered with lust. Canttina stared at the ivory female with fuzzy eyes and a thick smirk. "Now, what brings you to my lovely abode, darling?" She would usually move to touch the being but she staid still. The demon was to engaged in the wool.
