
without you



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

02-01-2021, 11:16 AM
Right now, with her in his arms and everything right in the world, it was hard to imagine his life without her in it. He felt the pain of the time coming up but he had her for now. Aslatiel was snuggled into his chest, wrapped in his arms and Indy wasn’t sure he’d ever wanted anything else. He was the most complete when he had her beside him, and knowing they had to part in the morning only made him hold tighter. This would be their place. When summer came around it would be vibrant and green. Even more perfect than the place they lingered now. They had a long way to go, but these little moments would keep him going. He’d fall asleep to the memory of her in his arms. Indigo would make it through, he had to.

He snuggled into her neck as she rubbed against him, her scent would linger for a while but it wouldn’t last until they saw each other again. He was going to miss this, he was going to miss her. Indigo sighed into her fur as she settled into a more comfortable position. The both of them feeling exhausted as they cuddled up. Asla sighed softly and uttered sweet but tired words and requested this, all night. Indy couldn’t think of any other way he’d want to spend the rest of their time together. ”I will.” He promised her quietly as he curled his head into his chest. Cuddled up perfectly he wouldn’t scarcely move all night. ”I love you.” His words barely a whisper as sleep took his conscious and he was lulled into uneasy dreams.


He was cold when he woke up, the sound of Bowen’s voice in his ear. Indy was alone. He almost stood up and raced after her trail, but Aslatiel had left without waking him for a reason. Bright blue eyes followed her trail back towards the Armada, and he felt the hole in his chest. Endless and gaping. Swallowing back his emotions Indy reluctantly followed the girl back to camp, he had many miles of pulling to get his mind off how much goodbye hurt.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.