
campfire songs



4 Years

Halloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-01-2021, 02:48 PM

She nodded quietly at his explanation of his journey, knowing the unspoken implication that followed his statement about Mortis. She had been lucky to have been found too, even if Kyros and Enno hadn’t been looking for her, she doubted she had it in her to live one her own for long. She also wasn’t the type to go out in search of help, so if it had been someone gentler than Sirius to find her it was very likely she would have insisted she was fine until they left her alone. He had been just intimidating enough for her to spill the truth and willingly follow him home, even if she hadn’t known at the time if it would really be the kind of place she wanted to be.

She was beginning to run out of ideas of questions to ask or ways to keep the conversation going, but thankfully Hikaru had that part covered. The question was one that she didn’t really have a good answer for, though. She was quick, and good at tracking which had always given her a slight edge in hunting. It was the path she intended to follow, as it was something she did enjoy, but she wasn’t exactly great at that either. The only real “training” she’d received before coming to the Armada was in how to be a good wife. To be quiet and submissive, to obey. She’d hunted some small prey on occasion, but now that she was out in the real world it was easy for her to see just how far behind she was compared to most other wolves. Even ones younger than her seemed to be far more advanced in their chosen skills.

Her ears fell back and her gaze dropped to her paws as embarrassment began to creep in. "I plan to be a hunter, but I’m still training." She was clearly old enough that it would be a reasonable assumption that she’d be well enough off to be in an official rank, and she was certain that he’d think less of her for her confession. She didn’t even have anyone to train with or to teach her because she was too ashamed to openly admit that she needed the help. She was just doing her best to go out when she could on her own before it became obvious to everyone else how useless she was.
