Change of Pace
02-01-2021, 03:56 PM
Meeting another face had brought Arisha to the realization it was time to start doing better. She couldn't scavenge for all of her days and it certainly wasn't doing her any good health wise, that much was obvious by her protruding bones. She had set off in the day with her nose to the ground in hopes to track something- she didn't know what, but she was hoping to find some type of scent that would lead her to food. The thought alone of food caused a rumble in her stomach and Arisha's pace quickened slightly, navigating through the thick trees and overstepping the cold waters, not wanting her body to exhaust itself by keeping warm. Suddenly, her ears perked and Arisha smelt something- eyes squinting as she tried to focus in. She began to follow it, a determined look crossing her tan features, and it wasn't until she bounded out from behind a tree that she saw what it was. "O-Oh!" She exclaimed as she was quick to attempt and halt her quickened pace, snow skidding up around her before she made any impact with the other wolf before her. Embarrassment began to cross her features and Arisha bowed her head slightly. "I thought you were something else," She was quick to try and explain, hoping she didn't cause any hard feelings to come her way.