
Not today Death



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-02-2021, 12:12 PM
A soft chuckle rumbled in his throat as Aurielle commented that their meeting would probably be even more pleasurable once he was feeling better and he couldn't help the quick jib at himself from leaving his dark lips "Oh I wouldn't go that far. I have been described to be mule-headed more than once." A small smirk on his lips before their attention turned to the newly arrived female. Aurielle was quick to accept the multicolored female's request to join and gave the stranger a task to gather firewood that was quickly accepted and the other female set off to complete her task. A black and tan ear twisted when he heard the lemur appear and waved them forward with a tiny hand, and even though it slightly weirded him out, Drachen began to follow the small creature, grateful more than once for Aurielle's steady frame beside him. As they walked, he began to notice his aching muscles and a harsher pain on his right ribs and there were a few times he had to clench his jaws against the pain.

Thankfully the shelter the lemur had found was not too far away and he nearly released a sigh of relief when they came to it, giving a nod to the glowing woman to show he was steady enough for her to move away and begin whatever she was going to do. Slowly he settled to his haunches, still not entirely comfortable enough to lie down even though they have been nothing but nice to him so far. His sharp blue eyes watched as Aurielle pulled a bull's horn off her shoulder and drop a coal from it into the kindling and gently nurse the fire to life before he turned slightly to examine himself for injuries for the first time since he woke up at the water's edge. Luckily he found he mainly had a few bruises to his shoulder and small scraps on his legs that would heal easily on their own. But as he twisted to gently prod his right ribs, he couldn't help the small inhale of breath. He didn't think his ribs were broken by the way he could still breath without too much pain but there was certainly a deep bruise beneath his thick black fur. Drachen closed his eyes for a moment, honestly just grateful that he did not sustain worse injuries or even drowned in that storm before he turned back around to face the fire just as the other woman appeared with the wood she was charged to collect.

The warmth of the fire was enough encouragement for the damp male to inch closure, fully enjoying how it slowly started to chase the chill from his bones and ease his shivering. The multi-colored woman settled herself and introduced herself as Akari and Drachen dipped his head in greeting before he rumbled "Nice to meet you Akari. Thank you for gathering the fire wood. I am Drachen Vaekhal." He then turned his attention back to the glowing woman as she settled a water filled tortoise shell next to the fire to begin heating it and pulled out a bag of dried meat that the scent of it already had his mouth watering but his stomach flipping slightly.  His deep blue eyes flicked from the meat to Aurielle's face as she began to speak, informing him that she would begin the tea once the water was hot and that the meat should be safe enough for him to eat as it did not contain any salt. She then asked him where his injuries were. "Luckily I did not seem to have acquired any deep cuts, only a few small scraps on my legs and paws but my right side on my ribs has, I suspect, a very nasty bruise. I don't think anything is broken... by some sheer luck." Considering the alternative, he could have been laying on the wet cold ground bleeding out while his half brother and his followers sneered over his dying corpse, he would not scoff at his luck more than that.

His expression turned subtly stern as he looked at his paws, lost in the memory of his escape before the sound of talons on stone caught his attention and he saw the female red tailed hawk standing at the edge of the firelight watching them before she half hopped skipped closer to him but still just out of reach. He flicked the tip of his tan tipped tail as he looked at the raptor from the corner of his eye before he shifted them to Aurielle, remembering what she said to him earlier. Drachen then reached forward and took a dried piece of meat and chewed a piece off before swallowing the rest and pushed the piece he chew off towards the bird of prey with a dark paw. He didn't know if the raptor would even be interested in dried meat with its harder texture but the bird hopped forward and snatched the piece of meat and jumped a few flaps away and began to work on her meal. He was completely intrigued by the creature as she looked like she was healthy and not skinny enough to be begging for food but he was too tired to really think on it much more and he returned his attention back to the two woman around the fire. "Are you a healer too, Akari?" he asked the merle woman in his hushed tones, noticing how intently she was watching Aurielle work.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated