
lucky find



3 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-02-2021, 01:25 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2021, 01:48 PM by Noelani.)

Her stomach was flipping and twisting in an agitated, hungry revolt - her last three hunts landed in absolute failure and she was starting to worry. She was on a particular pathetic streak of failures in hunting lately and had succumbed to gnawing on what little edible plants were still around in the cold winter. The petite gray lady was following the scent of a hare she'd picked up an hour ago or so, but she could tell the little creature was outpacing her and she wasn't paying the best attention. She knew she was approaching the ocean and that got her mind preoccupied.

She thought of her family she'd left - they taught her to fish when their pack traveled south in the summers. Fishing was one thing she might admit she was decent at. Her smaller frame and her speed made grabbing the fish as they darted past easy work. Noe's family used the old technique of wading in, crouching low, grabbing the fish, and throwing them on the shore to flop and writhe for a while. It was easy, effective, and even fun.

The soil was turning to sand and she could smell the salt and brine up ahead, mixed with something surprising. The permeating stench of a sun-baked fish. Forgetting the hare entirely, Noe picked up the pace, and soon her paws sunk deeper and deeper into gritty sand. Up ahead, a washed-ashore fish was baking in the sun. It hadn't been out of the water long she figured - no lesser creatures were picking at it yet. There were still lines dragged through the sand where the fish struggled to find its way back to the tide.

Noe glanced in either direction, then delicately ripped into the fish. The meat was strangely warm but absolutely delicious, and the usually demure girl began to rip and pull at the fish, enjoying every last bite.