
Hey momma, welcome to the 60s

Carnage I


2 Years

02-02-2021, 01:28 PM

The little girl was resting in the warmth of her siblings with not a care in the world. It's how she had spent most of her little life, sleeping and eating with the security that she had the warm embrace of her mother. The day was slowly coming to the end, the sunset soon setting and disappearing. The moon should soon rise. Her mother would leave for a little while before later coming back to the mouth of the den, her energy calm and positive with a spring to her movement. The babe's eyes would open wide in wonder, looking up to her mother as she called for them to rise. The lady had longed to see the mysteries of the world and what lurked ahead. She quickly rose to her feet, careful not to disturb her siblings or fall into them as she went over to try and nudge her mothers leg in affection. At first, the babe would hesitate as she wondered to the mouth of the den, the crisp air hitting her body and quickly waking her up. As she processed the fact their journey's were about to begin, her bum would wiggle uncontrollably with excitement, looking back to her mother as if waiting for approval to bound forward, she cared little with what her siblings were gonna do.

She stood next to her ebony sibling who too was waiting for the others to wake and she would smirk at him mischievously. The girl would again look to what waits on the outside. A single little limb daring to touch the outside. As her little dainty paw touched the surface, she was off... no second guessing or waiting. She was filled with so much energy quickly bounded about though not too far as she was still rather clumbsy, she would run around in a few circles before bounding back to the den. " Wow momma! " She would call, still not quite knowing how to react to this new world, where will they be going? What will they be doing!