

Tiberius I


5 Years
Extra large
02-02-2021, 08:16 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2021, 09:44 PM by Tiberius I.)

Tiberius Nero

Superior ability breeds superior ambition

Burning salt and throbbing darkness were the first things to hit first. Air... air. Need... AIR! Hacking cough chopped through the evening air peppered with retching. Air, sweet cold air, finally was inhaled, though it burned only slightly less than the salt water that had previously occupied his lungs. Another breath, then another, and his thoughts started to return. Magni. Peridot eye shot open, vision blurry through the salt water still dripping down his features. Quickly, he glanced up and down the beach, and then further inland. There, ten feet away, was a heap of black, matted feathers. A few more coughs and he was able to pull himself up, moving to the crumpled form of a raven. Gently, he nudged the bird, attempting to right his splayed wings and smooth down his feathers as best he could. The raven was conscious, sputtering out a soft coo but otherwise refusing to move.

"I know," the earthen brute murmured, his voice raspy from salt and bile, before raising his head to glance at their surroundings. They had made land, but as to which land was the question. As his senses started to return, he was becoming aware of the multiple gashes and scratches along his body on fire from the salt water. Sharp rocks hidden beneath the water were probably to blame, and Tiberius gave a harsh grunt. Behind his soaked patch, his empty socket even ached a bit. A stiff breeze ruffled his wet fur and he shuddered involuntarily. Shelter was needed, and soon. Another look around as he stood over his dazed companion, wondering where their best luck would be.