
Hey momma, welcome to the 60s

Wendigo I


1 Year

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth1K
02-02-2021, 09:44 PM
With a sleepy groan the boy rolled over and pressed both of his paws to his face. It took a few seconds for wakefulness to register and then he was wide awake. He rolled to his paws with the bounce of a frisky squirrel and then threw his paws up in the air to emphasis his words. "Wait, wait, wait." Both paws froze in the 'stop' position and he leaned forward between them with a conspiratorial expression. "We goin' outside?" he asked in a whisper as though he didn't believe her. He had tried, both deliberately and entirely against his will, to get outside daily since learning to walk. The outside was a curiosity unexplored and like a moth to flame he was drawn inexplicably to it. Sometimes he wanted out and fought to be free of the den and others he found himself at the entrance without having planned to go there. Both ways his efforts were soundly stymied.

Without waiting for an answer he was off like a shot. "Woo! Outside! I wuv outside! It's so..." He skidded to a halt at the entrance and looked out. At a loss for words he finished the sentence the only way he knew how. "Outside." The boy lifted a paw to put one toe over the newly demolition border and then his whole brain screamed what the hell and he launched himself into the world beyond with a giddy shriek. He looked at the moon, the stars, the biggie big rocks that were everywhere. It was great and wonderful and huge and he never wanted to go inside again.

"Is great! Is wunderful! I wuv it!" he barked as he ran circles around the rocks outside the den. "Can I stay outside fowever? I wanna stay outside fowever!"