
Goodnight, Sleeptight, Don't let the dead bite


09-25-2013, 01:36 AM

ooc:; Oddity has reached 100 posts and has acquired 400 gems. He is challenging Jupiter for Ludicael.

The time had come. He was finally healed, his wounds no longer there apart from the permanent scar under his blue eye. After Taur's betrayal Oddity was fueled with anger. For the moment he kept it secret, it would look like he was betraying the king to, for he wasn't supposed to reveal he was here on his King's permission. Regardless, he wouldn't let anything get in his way now. He was out for blood, and he wanted the power and the ability to rule. He knew the lady had power but Jupiter had it coming and Oddity was here to try and take her home. The thirty three inch tall male stood on the blood battlefield and his bi colored orbs looked around. Who would witness the fight? He raised his hackles, his tail fluffed up as he threw his head back in a howl. He was here, Oddity wouldn't go easy. He had trained for this, he had lost, but this time he wouldn't go so easy. And in return, he had to have the queen meet with isar. Then it was up to the king himself what to do.
Oddity pulled his head forward, lips curled as he waited. He was impatient, but he'd wait. Women should never be in rule. He had kept his sexism down to a low because of where his home was. Yet, now he was within the own confines of his mind. The way his father had trained him, everything was coming back to him. The scar across his chest and shoulder just proved all of his survival tactics. How many victims had he built up, he didn't know. His claws dug into the dirt as he waited for the large girl to show herself. Now was the time for a fight.

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