
Dawn and Twilight



12 Years
Extra large
02-03-2021, 04:05 AM
Regulus Anatolii Adravendi

The aging former Archangel made his way slowly down the ravine, walking off the stiffness of the combined cold and old age. A rabbit pelt lined fur cloak draped his still-vibrant red frame, and though his hind leg, the one crippled in Talis’ raid against Celestial still had a notable limp, his stride was so well-adapted to the injury that he had regained much of his old grace, if stiff, to the point that even the limp looked nearly natural.

It was a crisp, sparkling morning, clear-skied, with a fresh inch of snow on the ground. Here in the west, the snow often melted off over the day depending on the weather. This year it seemed especially stubborn.

He traveled slowly, mind turning over the usual thoughts and considerations. Though retired, his mind was still as forward-thinking as ever, wondering what the generations ahead would build with Valhalla. He hoped he’d live a bit longer to see it, and perhaps even see Ardyn rise to Spirit, or whatever the young wolf chose to rename the rank should he wish an overhaul of the naming system.

It wasn’t all that unusual. Aurielle was constantly tweaking and adjusting the system, considering new Circles, and new ways that everyone in the pack could find a way to make themselves useful, even if their bodies might prevent them from the typical fighting and hunting roles.

Around his neck, he still wore the pendant he’d found as a pup, the first time his mother had taken him and his sisters to the Bifrost. A sentimental smile touched his features at the memory, as sharp as ever. Those had been good times, even with a father taken captive by Arcanum. He’d been too young, and too innocent to know quite what was wrong, or why his mother had been sad when she thought none of her children were looking to see the pain. Or the cold fury.

He came to a stop in a snowy clearing in the woods around the hillock, slowly settling into the snow with a groan of aching joints. He’d have to talk to Paladin about some pain medication, or perhaps he’d seek out that newest healer Aurielle had mentioned rising swiftly after his joining to the master ranks, and pick the new fellow’s mind for ways to ease the aches in his joints. It’d be good to see how the male’s remedies matched up or differed from Paladin’s familiar choices.

He sighed, resting a vivid red paw over one of the graves, neatly piled with stones, as colorful as the pack could find.

“Not a day or night goes by that I don’t miss you… any of you.” Fathomless sapphire eyes, as rich and saturated as his grandmother’s swept over the graves that sat in a line.

He was so fortunate to have made it to see his daughter bring her first litter into the world, to see Ardyn and his brother and sisters growing and thriving. All five children were a pure ball of warm joy that buoyed him, kept him going, even on the achiest days.

Yet his heart did still ache. Not for himself, but for his sister, and the loss of Nolan. Such a good, young wolf should never have been taken so soon.

Slowly his head lowered, a sigh fogging the air and ground before his paws, ears planed to the sides, eyes half closing in a moment of melancholy.

[Image: T8yHvja.png]