
Lost & Found




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-03-2021, 02:28 PM
Drachen watched as the other male turned towards him in response to his voice, giving Drachen a full on view of the brutes marred face and missing eye. What poor hell has this soul been through he thought to himself but kept his face passive, mildly curious about their surroundings. The stranger responded, his words caused Drachen to tilt his black and tan face slightly and his tan brows curl together. What made this man think that a few scattered rock would eat him? Drachen scanned the ruins around him, his oceanic blue eyes looking a littler more closer than before but saw nothing out of the ordinary. His blue gaze flicked up to the Hawk perched on the ruined stones beside him and she looked unconcerned as she preened her earthen feathers. Surely the bird would make more of a fuss if there indeed was something that was a threat. A soft snort from his earthen nares before he turned his attention back to the scarred stranger. His long dark legs carried him a few more steps closer to the other male so that his voice would be more easily heard but not close enough to invade his space. Drachen did not feel like getting into a fight so soon after Aurielle had patched him up from nearly drowning in the sea.

"Do you know what would have made such a structure? I have not seen anything of its like before. But then again I am new to these parts." Drachen rumbled in his soft spoken tones, again casting his blue gaze around the ruins. The air somehow felt different here and it prickled the back of his neck. Perhaps the stranger's unease was rubbing off on him, normally he was not so superstitious. Lightly, the Vaekhal male shook out his pelt and flatten his black fur on his neck as he pushed away his unease. "I am Drachen Vaekhal by the way." He introduced himself, turning his face back to the stranger. This scarred male didn't seem to be irritated by his presence too much and so far his body language seemed neutral. Hopefully this male would have more information about this new land he had washed up on.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated