
Habari Mentorship



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
02-03-2021, 03:51 PM (This post was last modified: 03-04-2021, 12:03 PM by Recluse.)
With Habari soon filling up with puppies Recluse will be looking to assign adults to help teach the pups. Now in order to try and make sure these mentor/apprentice pairings aren't just for show and actually played out I want to set out a few basic rules for how these pairings will work.

  1. All mentor and apprentice pairs will be expected to complete at least one thread that could be claimed for skills a month, what this means is while the thread doesn't actually have to be claimed they must be at least three full rounds or be a seasonal. (No round number requirements for seasonals but at least one participant must claim it.) The thread does not need to be focused on skills or raising them but threads that are claimed for skills will boost the possibility of promotions.
  2. I will be checking the reasons for threads not making 3 rounds and that will be considered for how to respond to pairs failing to meet their expectations. (Which user posted last, how long their partner had to respond before the month was up etc.)
  3. Mentors that fulfill their duties will be considered for promotions and special missions and duties over other members
  4. Apprentices that receive proper training are more likely to be promoted into a higher rank once they are a year old.
  5. There may also be other rewards for mentorship pairs, depending on my own gems and wallet allowances, I will announce publically any rewards as they are available so that everyone will know what's at stake. Please note, signing up for mentorship should come with the expectation to last for several months, at least until the apprentice is a year old, you may not sign up for mentorship the month I'm offering a reward and chose to back out the next month, this is wholly voluntary so if you feel you cannot meet these requirements then you are not required to do so.
  6. If after the mentorship is over a user wishes to withdraw from the mentor list please let me know, however, while your character's name is on the list they will be expected to be ready to accept apprentices and not withdraw again until such time as their apprentice is a year old.
  7. As with the pack activity checks: absences, and speaking to me beforehand will mean I am more lenient with requirements, these threads will also count towards the monthly activity check, making them a good way to make sure you're not demoted/kicked out.
  8. All pups will be icly considered as being paired off however only users playing pups that have filled out forms will be paired to again avoid forcing anyone who feels it's too much pressure, however, these pups will also only be put into basic ranks and not considered for special missions and duties as with any adults who do not sign up.

Current Mentor list:
  • Recluse - Intermediate Intellectual & Master Fighter
  • Izami - Intermediate Navigator & Beginner Fighter -Cannot be a mentor until such time as no longer demoted
  • Shiba - Beginner Healer & Beginner Intellect
  • Muzet - Advanced Navigator & Expert Intellectual
  • Deathbelle - Master Fighter & Master Healer
  • Mikko - Novice Fighter & Beginner Intellectual

Current Apprentice List:
  • Misery - Maarifa Tarshishim
  • Kali - Cherubim/Shinanim
  • Carnage - Cherubim/Shujaa Tarshishim
  • Wendigo -Shujaa Hashmallim/Kuwinda Hashmallim

Sign ups:

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Current Rank:[/b]
[b]Skills:[/b]List both and their current level

[b]Desired Rank:[/b] Please list the rank your pup wants as an ultimate goal, though they may not be offered it right off the bat it allows for me to know what skills they might want to focus on. IF you listed Cherubim please also list a second rank as only one of Recluse's children may hold that rank at a time.

Current signup deadline is the 28th of February as I'd like to assign mentors officially with a meeting I'll start on the 8th, secound round deadline for the 15th! After that mentorships will be assigned on a rolling basis as apprentices and mentors that meet each other's needs are found.