
Looking For A Better Place

Jane - Seasonal



5 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!
02-03-2021, 04:29 PM

The sound of a laugh in the near distance would catch Kefka's ears, and just as he went to turn toward the voice, an eager little pup was hopping up toward him. She clearly came from the pack north of here, but either way that would have been assumed if Kefka happened to stumble across her rather than the pup finding him.

She was eager to get to know him, be his friend as she had stated. And where as Kefka was generally evilly aligned, he truly wasn't evil at heart. It was his brain or his thoughts that made him do what evil things he had done. Or rather he was possessed by some sort of evil. It must have been relative to his bloodlines no doubt, not that he was completely aware of this. Only common sense would tell someone not to mess with or injure a pup from a pack, but the way his evil alter ego worked, it wouldn't have mattered. But he still kept a firm sound of mind, and he did well since Agria's death to control his more dominant emotions, for Relm's sake.

Gently putting the deer down, he would start, "Now, it isn't wise to approach or talk to strangers. Didn't your mother teach you that?" He went to teach the pup a lesson, as an intelligent and aware adult should. He'd look back towards the new pack that he noticed moved in while he and Relm traveled Auster. Looking back to the pup, he'd raise a brow while she was just too eager to meet new wolves, probably those outside the pack too. And he could say he understood the feeling considering Agria kept him basically imprisoned for most his life. "It's good to get to know someone before calling them a friend."

He'd take a quick glance to his kill before returning his black eyes back to her. "Tell you what, I'll show you how to make this deer last a while, and maybe you can take some of it back home every once in a while to impress others and maybe make friends that way, hmm?" He waited to see her reaction but there was no doubt he would have her attention. He'd grab the deer back by the leg and turn to go towards the tree line somewhere near the corner so she could find the spot easily. He was able to find an old dug out den that would make it easier for the both of them. Dropping the deer down again he would start, "So it'll stay colder if it's underground. So this should be fine for now. But Auster doesn't usually get snow, so make sure you take all the meat home before the winter is over."

Not putting his attention on the pup, he'd go to the kill and start to skin it. He thought little of what the little girl would think scary or gross, Relm after all never seemed to care about those things. He took one of his sharp teeth and stuck it at the throat of the deer before going straight down the center, careful to only cut the hide and not the meat yet. He worked around the legs of the deer until he had the whole back piece skinned. He brushed the snow off the top of the den before placing the hide of the deer on top of it for isolation. "Now if you made a den like this back a home, you wouldn't have to isolate it because you would be taking care of the den often." He turned back to the skinned deer and started to break the meat into pieces. He tried to be as careful as he could, but since he didn't have tools or rather he preferred to go a natural way, the cuts of meat wouldn't look entirely pretty. He tried to make the pieces small enough for her to take back home by herself without having too much difficulty.

After the meat was cut into pieces, he would start to fill the small den with the meat, letting the pup help if she wanted. But once the den was full, he would look to her again just to try and make it a little fun after all the gory stuff. "You can help me cover the den now. Just scoop the snow from around the den and place it on top. Make sure you pack it tight so the snow is more like ice and not fluffy." He would demonstrate quickly first, "Like that. I'll cover the places you can't reach." And he would start the work on covering the den.

Once they were all done, he pulled the hide over the opening of the small den. "The hide will isolate the den, and the ice on top will keep it cold. Maybe you can make some friends now." Though Kefka was attuned to his daughter Relm as a pup, he wasn't entirely "pup friendly". But he still looked down to the girl with a small grin, if only because she was happy if nothing else.

Hunting Seasonal

Total Word Count: 1,565 Words
Word Count Goal: 1,500 Words (Complete)

Walk "Talk" Think

!Rated R! For language and sexual themes. Prone to violence.

(Kah-ef-kah Ah-brax-us)

Scent: Roses
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Season: Winter
Status: Single (Heterosexual)
Height: 40 inches
Home: Grapevine Cathedral
Maims: Sheath scarring, barely noticeable unless someone is actually looking there while he is belly-up

Important Details: