
Snow has many uses!



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-03-2021, 08:03 PM

Snow snow snow snow!

The snow had fallen heavily the day before apparently and now Misery was leaping through the snow, enjoying how his feet left their impressions beneath it.  It was cold but Misery accepted that as the cost of play and a need to take it all in.  Moving around seemed to help warm him up to a degree that kept the cold from getting too bad.  On one leap Misery found he sunk into the snow till even his belly was well hidden.  Oh, now that was cold!  Two leaps later he was back on the ground where the snow didn’t cover more than above his feet.  Really, it only seemed like a big difference due to someone as small as Izzy was at the moment.

Misery turned about to look at where the snow showed where he had caved in curiously. Looking from that to the tree’s around curiously as he just knew there was potential with this setup.  Falling in snow would be more fun if it was someone else who it happened to.  Misery started gathering up a bunch of sticks and threw them towards the deeper snow spot.  He spent a few minutes getting a good pile of sticks then tossing several where he had fallen through.  Moving slowly forward the black and silver boy found where he started sinking in deeper and started to dig.  After a few minutes, he acknowledged this was taking some work and time.  Next time he wanted to do something like this it would work better to get someone else to do the digging.  Right, next time he was going to use Wendigo for digging.

Flurries fluttered down gently seeming to sparkle whenever they ended up in the moon's bright light.  Eventually, the snow was fully above the pup on all sides and the boy was digging up dirt instead of snow.  After another two inches of dirt, he quit digging and scurried out of the hole and looking pleased.  Reluctantly he realized the sticks he’d dragged over weren’t long enough.  The boy was getting tired and almost decided to forget it but he’d come too far.  The sticks were dragged farther off and slowly he dragged larger limbs over that would stretch from one end of his hole to another.  The sticks weren’t very thick but there were enough of them to cover up the hole so he could cover them with snow.  Regarding his work proudly he imagined how fun it would be to set off.  Letting out a yawn he wondered who he wanted for his target.  

Howling he called out for attention, “come see what I found!” a generic message he expected would most likely get one of his siblings but really anyone would do.  If it was a brother or sister they’d fall all the way in while the most he’d get from an adult was probably to stumble, but maybe they’d still fall even if not in a hole?  Misery looked at the snow where his trap was thoughtfully.  Would they figure it out?  What flaws had he made?  It sure looked good to him!  

Speech:"Life is but a game "