
Children of the dark arts



02-03-2021, 10:40 PM
Name: Exorcist
Design: or
Sex: Male
Height: 39 inches
Build: Heavy
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Skills: Fighter, Navigator
Appearance: Exorcist greatly takes after his father in terms of height and weight, for as he grows his body will fill out and shape nicely with muscles and strength. A darker coat covers the majority of his frame, while his undersides hold an alabaster marking to contrast against the darker colors. His eyes are a deep purple, ones that can often be found peering through the shadows and observing. Both his Mother and Father are mixed into this brute, leaving little to no doubt of just who his kin is. (will change/ go in depth when the design is official for him !)
Personality: Quiet, observant, tempered and harsh, these are just a few of the many traits that Exorcist has inherited from his family. He is not one to talk for hours and hours on end about topics that are worthless to him, as he'd rather save his breath and preserve his own energy for his selfish needs. He is always watching, always on guard and aware of his surroundings; trusting few and rarely any outside of his own bloodline. His temper is short and can easily be set off if the right, or rather wrong, words are spoken to him or actions are taken against him. He is loyal, but only to those that have earned his trust and have given him something to show worth in his eyes. Confident in himself, he aims for the sky with his goals and has high hopes for his future- wanting to leave a mark on the lands he walks. The one thing about him is that he is honest, brutally so, and sees no value in lying. His word is his gold, and if it is given to another he does everything in his power to keep it. Oppositely, when lied to or his trust test, he is sure to make his distaste known.
Plot ideas: Plan on developing him as a warrior, would like to see him grow up with his family/train under his parents until old enough to possibly venture off to Armada or on a path of his own- though he'd always keep in touch with his parents and siblings. I don't see him being 'evil' per say, but I can see him possibly making enemies/having fights a lot just because of his temper and how he hates anyone/anything going against him or his family. I can see him having a soft side to a sister if there is one in the litter, and always trying to earn pride and respect from his mother and father.