
grinnin' like a jackass eatin' cactus [RAID]



Advanced Fighter (70)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Dire wolf
02-04-2021, 10:03 AM
The boy turned his face to hers as though to counter her longer fangs with his short gnarly ones, and Torrent felt contempt, knowing her fangs would slash him before his mouth could touch her. She started to shove forward chest to chest, her jaws flashing down to meet him...

But the leg that had been struck by her first opponent's rock-filled weapon crumpled beneath her without her volition and she stumbled, listing as her hindquarters dropped and she couldn't get her leg under her. She would not be able to bring her fangs to bear in time.

With a snarl of rage she gave it up for lost and tucked her chin as his jagged, snaggled teeth closed over her, so that the teeth mangled the flesh over top her muzzle and brow on the white side, barely missing gouging her eye as she jerked away though it took deep furrows of flesh from her brow and the bridge of her muzzle both.

She staggered back, blood blinding her, choking her as she coughed a snarl that made blood bubble from her mouth and nose where it flowed down. She shook her head sharply to try to clear her eye but it made the world spin and tilt violently around her. Pidge was tugging at her ear, shouting something she couldn't understand as she struggled bring her leg up under her and turn back to the boy. She wasn't done with this, she'd kill him.

A weight slammed into her and she turned on it with a snarl, staggering forward and was struck again, staggering further. It was Asriel, herding her, driving her away from the fray before she could find where the other chimera was, and towards where noncombatants waited to heal the wounded. The world tilted again sharply as she staggered into their midst, and she dropped in a bloody, furious, dazed heap.
