



09-14-2013, 03:24 AM

As Aoi was getting Maija in from the chilly and life-threatening weather, the gold female had an "out of body experience". She saw herself from above her body, watching closely as the autumn-themed male got her on his back. He had struggled in the beginning, but he then got her situated squarely so he could move. Maija's lips began to curl into a snarl as she urged her body to move, to wake up and be caught offguard by the act of this complete stranger, refused to do it. For the moment, Maija was suspended in midair.
Once Aoi spoke a few words into her ear, Maija felt a bit of her return to her body. It wasn't enough to make her fully wake up, but it was enough to have his words reach her auditory canals against the icy wind that surrounded them. She couldn't help but want to fully return then, but something kept her from going back to her body all the way. Her patience began to wear thin, but she continued to wait.
Aoi seemed to be taking her to a cave that sheltered any weary travelers from the icy weather. She saw through the ice and rock that Aoi curled himself around her form, which had stopped shaking and jerking from the internal battle of emotions. The male didn't seem to be trying anything, since she was unconscious, and another tiny piece of her heart's shield broke. Maija hadn't seen kindness like this in a long time. The last person to show her such a thing was Cael, and that was because she had a bad wound. His job was a Medic and he had to show her kindness to treat her injury. But this..something was kind of off about it to her. She decided, in that spiritual state, that maybe Aoi wasn't being like this because he had to...but because he wanted to.
Maija then felt herself being lowered back to the earth. She reclaimed her body and settled in before her eyes fluttered open. Most of the cold had been shunned away from her chilled form, replaced by the warmth that came from the smartass curled around her. The golden-furred fae didn't lower her defenses, but gave in to the warmth that surrounded her. Sleep was what she really needed, and time. God, lots of time. She snuggled into a ball, allowing Aoi's tail to slightly curl around her. Leaf green eyes opened in slits as she grumbled, "Thank you" beneath her breath before closing her heavy lids to fall into a dreamless slumber. Solace was what she needed and even if it was temporary, she would take it.
-EXIT Maija-

speech here