
Burn Your Kingdom Down



09-14-2013, 05:01 AM

The king would present somewhat stumped by the gigantors response, perhaps not suspecting such a dry wisdom; and finding nil pleasure within the creature?s lack of will to argue. Though regardless he would satisfy his aching intelligence with the acknowledgement of a mental victory, accepting his language as the irrational demons defeat, ?Ah, the gargantuan bares wit,? A weak chuckle would suggest his conclusion on the matter, suspecting no abilities to pick and prod at the unemotional beast?s core. Surprisingly, despite presenting as somewhat of a challenge to his power, Isardis couldn?t help but size the sprite up as a potential warrior. Maybe he could knead at his brain enough to morph him into his personal little pawn? He seemed emotionally void enough. After all, the mammoth didn?t seem to odour much of neighbouring packs, if at all.

Coral towers would flicker, captured by the feminine vocals of a loitering wench; though somewhat surprised, he would offer no evidence as to his lack of sense, instead casting an elegant sheet of expectation across slow-gliding features. Delicate skull shifting tranquilly to peer over his shoulder, chest bubbling with amusement as her attitude-infused lyrics would hover his lobes. ?Your buoyancy ruins your beauty; it matters little how I prefer my men, though I can earnestly declare I prefer my women small? and silent,? his jaws would shudder as he became so blissful within his character, swaying somewhat angelically despite the tarnished thoughts that bubbled his wits. He had been lying of course, considering his kingdom were crafted by the pillars of large, intelligent women. Though a woman that served, was a woman with brain, no?

Anything to offer the potential of retaliation. Extended tail would flick idly about tapered hocks, ?But I will make an exception for you darling, as you are particularly pretty,? proudly his perverted attentions would shift, resting again upon the tawny male, ?She would look particularly splendid upon the shelves of a royal kingdom, a golden trophy, no?? Weakly he would offer the question, perhaps not expecting a genuine answer as much as he attempted to provoke some kind of wounded rejoinder. What structures bound the males mind? And the wench? Senses would tune to her, equipped for potential hostility. Oh, one could only hope.