
build upon the foundation [Ashen Meeting]



Expert Intellectual (150)

Master Fighter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Pride - AsexualValentines 2020VolcanoDream Weaver
Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-05-2021, 04:41 PM

Toxicity had already led the pups through their first prayers of the day and Tox and Obi had carefully groomed them as he did every day. Tox had cleaned them well before their first daily prayer. Sometime after that, their fur was brushed and held in place with waxes and sometimes a little extra wax for the rambunctious ones. They had been fed and all the good things, so when Venom called, Toxicity wasn't too put out. She figured they would finish before the next round of prayers was needed.

She had taught her pups to wait for her cue before greeting the empress. She told them how important her rank was. She told them that while they were family to Venom, she was first their empress and thus she dictated what happened in the pack. She was the one who allowed them to live and worship inside the shrine. If not for this allowance, they would never be allowed to live in peace, always fighting for the rights to the shrine like her father did long ago.

As Tox led the pups there, she told them EXACTLY what she expected and a list of punishments for any types of interruptions they may cause. Do no speak unless spoken to, do not run off, do not make faces, do not so much as whisper or touch one another until the meeting was over and they were led away. What was the reward if they behaved? Toxicity would find them a nice small animal to play with until it died and became dinner. It would be good for their practice in learning to hunt and being forced to share a kill would help them to devise a pecking order and teamwork- something her siblings only barely knew even in adulthood.

They arrived and Toxicity scanned over the crowd with a small grimace. She neither knew, nor cared to know many of the faces in the pack. One that stood out was the man who looked similar in marking to Hattori. She pointed a look at Hattori, then at the mystery man with a quirk of her brow. If Hattori saw her expression, he should have been able to quickly gather the meaning, not that she demanded more information, but she was a little curious.

She instructed each pup to stand before her and then cued them in on the bow and greeting as she did the same, "Hail Empress Venom." When she rose from her bow, she found a place a little distanced from everyone, but close enough that all of her pups could see. She directed them to sit before her so she could easily watch over them and snatch them up if they so much as thought about making a bad impression.
