
My heart as your friend is broken, my word as your leader is resolute




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
02-06-2021, 05:35 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2021, 05:36 PM by Sirius.)

He shood Mojito away so that he and Magnus might speak in private. It was important that Sirius be very clear on what was going on here. On what Magnus had done, and the position Sirius had to hold as leader. He wanted to part on good terms, and might have, if Magnus had been true to the pack and his position. If he had fought Asla as he was supposed to, with his heart, with the intention of winning. Instead, the pack had seen his mockery of a fight, and heard him admit before the pack the law he had broken.

“You have broken our law and sired children that have given you ties to other people and other places. You have failed to uphold your position of Reaper. You have done little since becoming Reaper. What apprentices have you taken on? What challenges have you set the warriors? and your constant absences to Deathbelle have been felt. That farce you call a fight gives Asla a weak start. But she will persevere, only because of who she is, and not what you have ‘given’ her.”

“I love you Magnus, and you are family to me and mine, but I do not know if I can forgive you for what you’ve done here, but I will not take you as a slave for it.” He turned a dark blue gaze to his friend, meeting Magnus’ eyes. Willing him to understand that Sirius was not just his friend and family, but his Alpha. “So you will pack your bags, and you will leave. Your... “ gods, what was she? Once Princess, once Empress, once closest of friends to Sirius. Almost lover, but never… never quite. “...Mate needs you.”
