
it's in my B O N E S



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
OverachieverCritical Observation!Halloween 2020 - Witches HutBeevent1K
02-06-2021, 06:10 PM

The rank was foreign to her, but she supposed it was probably something high ranking if he felt the need to throw it around, but she reserved her eye rolling for interest in his complaints. Her brows furrowed, sure he was big, but so was Seer. "Yer don’t seem old enough for oldie aches, is it in the joints or the actual length of the bones?" Wolves here seemed prone to late growth spurts so she wouldn’t be entirely surprised, but she also wasn’t quite sure how much more room his skin would have to grow into. She didn’t suppose it really mattered though, bone pain was bone pain and there wasn’t much more for it than taking the edge off, but any easing would be a welcome one she was sure.

She watched as Otis moved forward and cautiously sniffed at the koi mans toes, reaching out to try and lift it, before turning to retreat back into her storage den. She didn’t have the fancy pots and kettles some healers had, but she did have a few different sized turtle shells. Taking a small one, she dipped it into a larger that had been set to capture rain water and motioned for Chips to go fetch a fire stick from the bonfire. Setting her shell down easily she began to carefully stack firewood inside a small stone circle, she should really make an effort to keep it going more often than not. "Do yer have a way ter make tea, or would yer prefer ter come here an’ get it? We can make up enough ter get yer through a few days at a time, an deliver more when it’s needed. It’d save yer the trip."

Her ibis returned and lit the fire, and all she could do was wait for it to warm up enough to make some coals. It was never a quick process whenever anything required brewing.


we wear red so they don’t see us bleed
[Image: mangomouse.jpg]