
Make Way For Young Blood

Reaper Challenge



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
02-06-2021, 07:06 PM

Today had not gone as planned. Internally, Aslatiel was beyond frustrated. She loved Magnus, but he had really screwed her over here. The young Fatalis refused to let the irritation show on her face. She congratulated Magnus and asked her father for a proper challenge. While waiting for a decision as to what her challenge might be, she noted that more had gathered and that at least one of her younger siblings was cheering her on. Tall grey ears flicked backwards momentarily. She didn't like them because of who they were, but she was starting to rethink their place in her life. That was something to sort out later though. She didn't have time for matters of the heart right now. Now, nothing but blood and battle mattered. She still had something to prove.

The words of Sirius rang out, addressing the pack. Aslatiel turned, her gaze touching upon each face, waiting for someone to accept the challenge and fight her. The young wolf's gaze fell upon Naiche right as he stepped forward. A moment later he was calling out his challenge. A grin split Asla's blood covered maw and she nodded her approval and her thanks.

Since Naiche lacked armor, Aslatiel took a moment to shrug out of her own, depositing the reinforced porcupine armor on the ground and well out of the way. She slid out of her antlered skull helmet next. Shaking out her cream and grey pelt, the young warrior stepped into the invisible ring. It was time.

Aslatiel rolled her shoulders and controlled her breathing. She'd exhausted quite a bit of energy trying to flip Magnus, but she was young and had energy to spare. This would be a true battle. A real battle. Asla knew that Naiche had a desire to be Reaper. He'd proven as much when he'd participated prior to Magnus attaining the rank. If he won, he would do well and she would go lick her wounds. Ah, but she wouldn't lose. The stars were on her side. There was a fire in her belly and with it, she would burn Naiche to the ground.

Claws dug into the earth below as she launched herself at the yellow wolf. Jaws open wide, she went straight for his face, seeking to sink her teeth into his muzzle. She sought to slam her chest against his while she bit. Simultaneously, one paw would swipe out, seeking to latch her claws into one foreleg so that she might pull it out from beneath him. They were of a similar size and so this fight would be full of quick, brutal attacks. Naiche wouldn't hold back and neither would she. She was a lot of things, but dishonorable wasn't one of them.


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