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02-06-2021, 07:38 PM
Come down, come down sweet reverence

Jynn's journey to the northern regions of Auster led her to the Hermit's Cove and while exploring that region she couldn't help but notice a large island off the shore. Something about the way the sun was hitting it made it glint and shine. Of course she just had to go and explore it. Carefully wading into the ocean she got a sense for the currents then took off paddling for the strange island. She swam swiftly and strongly for her size and before she even arrived on shore it became clear that this wasn't your typical island. It was covered in human artifacts.

Jynn swam up to one of the wooden docks and climbed up. From there she shook the sea water out of her coat and thanked the spirits the sun was out. The sky was a clear, soft blue but there was a haze to it that caste just the slightest gray tinge. Jynn hoped it wasn't a sign of bad weather to come. Well, either way, she imagined that she'd have enough time to explore the island and get back to the cove before a storm hit. Once she was back on the mainland she planned to work her way inland and away from the ocean in case of bad storms.

Jynn moved across the wooden dock system, moving carefully to avoid stepping where there were broken or missing boards. There was a strange mist that seemed to shroud the island. The first structure she reached was a pale metallic form with a red streak down the side of it. It was odd looking and it swayed a bit in the water as the tide began to come in. The metal was rusted and clearly very old. She walked along side it but didn't really see a good way to get inside so she returned to the wooden path and followed it onto the sandy beach. It looked like most of the island, at least on the side she was exploring, was covered in thick, green vegetation that grew up and around and sometimes even through the remnants of the human dwellings. The dwellings were ornate, many of them seeming to be build from wood and a number of wooden pathways and bridges seem to criss cross around the buildings and through the sand. She stood atop one and started venturing closer to the nearest structure.