
The Rightful Rulers



3 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantGold Medal 2020
02-06-2021, 07:43 PM

More and more figures flooded the hall, it seemed as though pretty much everyone had managed to make the trip to Auster unscathed. Which was a good thing, he guessed. He lingered on the fringes of the gathering for a moment, watching as the others went off to find their chambers or explore. They all seemed pretty damn excited to check out their new digs but the novelty had already worn off on Askan, understandable since he'd been working his brown rump off since he got here.
Resin told him to report and so he did just that, though his tone of voice made it seem as though he was complaining more than anything else as they wandered through the castle, eventually making their way outside.

"Aside from some pigeons and a shit ton of rats there wasn't anything lurking about when I checked. Couldn't clear them all out but think of it as something for the pups to do. Pest control." He joined Resin as she looked over the wall, barely able to see over the cobbled stone. Fucking stubby legs.  In all seriousness he stood up a little straighter, brows furrowed and lips pulled taut in a frown. "I'll tell you what though, some wolves have been here. Maybe about a week ago, max. One in particular lingered here for a while, had a good look about. Roamed from room to room from the smell of it, but stayed mostly in that big room to the back. Lot of space and really well lit, the walls lined with...wooden things." He had no fucking clue what a library or books were, sue him. Anyway. "She's gone, but there's no telling if she'll ever come back."

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