
The Holly and The Ivy [Healer's Meeting]


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
02-06-2021, 11:13 PM
ooc: I hope you don't mind if I throw a pup in, but I wanted more Gwyn time with the other healers <3

It was still cold here and even a tad snowy at times, but there were certainly far more plants for her to pick from around their new home. The plains that made up half of their territory were absolutely packed to the brim with different plans and herbs - some she was familiar with and others she wasn't. Eilwen had already proven to be way more knowledgeable on some of this stuff than she had anticipated and the white raven was a big help in carrying them back home whenever she went out on her little expeditions to gather them. She hadn't tried venturing out of the lands her mothers had claimed just yet even though she was curious how much more new plant life there was to find in Auster... her nervousness about facing the rest of the unknown continent on her own was too nerve wracking and outweighed her curiosity.

Her ears perked up when she heard a call for healers and for a moment she wondered if she even counted in that category. She was still training of course, but... if they were going to talk about stuff she could learn from then she didn't want to miss out. "Well... Aren't you going to go?" Eilwen asked after a few moments and Gwyn's ears flicked uncertainly. "You don't think I'll be intruding, do you?" The pale bird scoffed and ruffled her wings at the thought. "Intruding? Of course not! You're a healer, aren't you? And if they say anything otherwise they'll get a piece of my mind!"

Gwyn giggled softly at her companion before finally getting to her paws, Eilwen quickly moving from her perch to take her usual place on Gwyn's shoulders. It took the dark girl a bit to find where Luta had called from, but eventually she did make it and walked in right behind Aranea. She gave them both a smile, her tail wagging gently. "Hello." Her lavender and mint green swirled gaze looked down then at the herbs that were spread out on the ground and her ears perked with interest again, settling in on her haunches as she looked over the various plants with a very nerdy excitement.

"Gwynevere" | "Eilwen"