
Make Way For Young Blood

Reaper Challenge



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
02-07-2021, 12:30 AM
Mojito tried to keep the swell of emotions from his face, hoping he reflected the sort of cold, businesslike look he saw on some of the other faces, but he had to breathe a small sigh of relief when Asla came out victorious, and more than a little unscathed. Even he was aware of the one-sided nature of the fight... That did not bode well, he could see that but it didn't damper the relief he felt knowing it could be Asla who was the one covered in blood. She swept her gaze over the crowd, claiming she was the pack's new Reaper... whatever that was. Then her impossibly stunning gaze landed on him and the boy swallowed hard, nodding. He didn't really need the warlord to nod his approval, in that moment Mojito would have thrown himself off a cliff if she'd asked him, there was something so bewitching about her power...

The boy tipped his head back and called for his companion, knowing the sheep would bring him some supplies. First thing's first, he had to clean the man's wounds to stave off infection and then staunch the bleeding. The boy stepped forwards, about to speak when the wounded man brushed him off, clearly more than done with the whole ordeal, he watched him hobble away for a moment, confusion clear on his face before he glanced between Sirius and his daughter and stepped back. It seemed however that things were not over, he settled back on his haunches just as Hoa arrived, a small bundle of plants clamped in the sheep's mouth. He nodded to it and settled into an uneasy watching position as another man he did not know stepped forwards to challenge Asla.

He tried not to wince with every rip and tear the woman made of her own flesh but it was over soon enough, the victory remained and this time without prompting he stepped forward again, approaching the pair and doing his best to observe them with a critical eye and not to simply assume the worst had happened to Asla just because he was eager to see to her bleeding neck. Still, it seemed, at least to him, the most pressing issue and he set about quickly separating the small number of herbs he had on hand, hoping it would at least be enough Yarrow for both of them. He passed a small pile of the plant off to the Yellow man. "If you want to help speed up the process chew those up, don't swallow it and don't apply it until I can check your wounds though." He instructed, looking the man in the eye. Hoa would watch him carefully while he did the same to Asla, pushing a pile towards her and giving her the same instructions. Then he followed it up: "I need to clean your wounds," he said as if it was the most obvious thing, "do you mind if I..?" He lifted a paw and gently licked his own wrist in demonstration, suddenly feeling his face flush. He tried to keep his hammering heart from giving away his feelings too much, though his face had already betrayed him. This was not a romatic moment though, he was attending a patient, and he managed to at least not allow his imagination to run too wild. Gods he wished he had Trillium instead, it would save so much embarrassment if he could just avoid having to do more than slap some wet plant juice on the young woman.



[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.