
Cerberus Elysius


09-14-2013, 02:42 PM
OOC Name: Roamer
How did you get here?: Well, what had happened was, I went to Mexico to buy a penguin for my room, and got caught up with the drug cartel and ended up fighting the Mexican drug lord with my banana and my flying aardvark named Timmy. It was a mess. Well, in a last ditch effort to save my Tim-Tim, I fled, and woke up here.
Age: 20

Character's Name: Cerberus
Age: Pup - Not born yet, actually.
Season of birth: winter
Size: He's currently not born but when he is, he will grow to 35" inches, and be large in size.
Appearance description:pallid coat draped across a lithe but muscular frame. untainted colour, hue of magnificence broken only by the crimson depths of his oculars. having nothing other than the firey pits of hell to tell him apart from another, his demonic nature is nearly visible in his gaze and stance. he is cerberus, hound of hell. no doubt he will gain scars, throughout his life, but for now, as it stands he is untainted. once his fluffy puppy fur sheds, his coat will take after his father, smooth and silky, though he will lack the vanity in its appearance, it won't be long until its stained with blood, figuratively and literally.
Duty: will decide when he's two.

CreeXMorphine just concieved, so I know this needs to wait till birth to be accepted, I just wanted to have it done ^^