
Time for change




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
02-07-2021, 03:09 PM

Even before the reaper challenge, Naiche had been considering his own rank again.  He was to assist Magnus in reaper duties yet still held the position of warrior same as some other wolves.  If he was the next best qualified for reaper then shouldn’t he have a higher rank than a warrior? Was it not his right?

Now Magnus was out, Asla was in.  Magnus had taken the role that Naiche had worked hard for and tossed it away as if the rank had little meaning.  That burned him up inside.  Asla had beat him in the fight for the station and while he hated losing he could accept that.  Naiche had done his best to rip into the warlord's daughter and felt he had once again proven his ability to handle a higher rank even if he had not won reaper.  Ever since Tamsyn had left the general position had been open.  Naiche felt it was his time to fill that spot.

Naiche ended up not asking that same day.  He had wanted that day to focus on Asla and her victory.  He also ended up busy with other matters that distracted him from finding Sirius.  Funny how his body could be in a fair amount of pain yet he felt so good.  It had been a great fight, far better than just another spar.  It had even helped ease some inner pains of Rue’s death that had stalked him.  The companionship afterward had been nice as well.

So it was the next day that came around before he sought out Sirius.  It was just an hour or so after the sun had risen.  Making his way to the shoreline he sat down and howled for the warlord.  A nice view as well as the sight of a fighting ring as a reminder of his recent battle with Asla seemed a good spot to present his request for a promotion.  Naiche would get a promotion, he had already decided it.  The young wolf had earned his promotion and he felt justified in stating it.


[Image: WE5CTgt.png]