
The Holly and The Ivy [Healer's Meeting]



Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-07-2021, 05:13 PM

Outlaw was still a rookie in the world of healing.  He had planned to learn under Meadow as she was the reason he took up healing and then Meadow had left.  Outlaw had no doubt Meadow had a reason and wished her the best.  It still left him with limited insight on the chosen craft.  It didn’t mean he wasn’t learning but slowly.  At heart Outlaw was a puppy caretaker and a craftsman but it was still important to learn how to heal in case someone got hurt. If nothing else finding flowers and herbs was fun!

He had been checking out more of the castle rooms for items he might like to make his den a bit better when he heard the howl.  The grey and black dog had just pulled free a gold-colored rope pretty tassels on both ends and had found a dreamcatcher almost hidden by dirt.  The dreamcatcher didn’t look like much now but once he cleaned it he thought it would look pretty.  Outlaw didn’t know what it really was, but it was nifty and surely special.

Thus as he approached the other wolves he had his finds still with him, the rope wrapped about his neck with the ends hanging down like some scarf and the dreamcatcher in his mouth.  Placing it down between his paws he looked from one wolf to the next, offering them all a big grown, tail wagging merrily sweeping up any dirt on the ground.  “Howdy,”  he offered the group.  There were some here he didn’t know so added on, “I’m Outlaw, pleased to meet ya.”  Then his attention drifted down to Gwyn, grinning just for her.  Pups were still the best things in his book, “hiya.”

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby