
Cannibal Daddy

Lyssa's Adopted Father

Nox Nightingale


4 Years

02-08-2021, 05:11 AM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2021, 08:41 AM by Nox Nightingale. Edited 4 times in total.)
My character Lyssa was neglected by her parents after they fell out of love. After some time the two came to their senses and returned but by then it was too late. In their absences, Lyssa encountered a creature in the woods, who took a particular interest in her. His curiosity soon grew into an obsession, he began substituting as a guardian and grooming her in his image. He never had the desire to have children but saw potential in the young and unordinary Lyssa.

Decided Name: Last and First name up to adopter. Hannibal was the original but it appears to be taken.
Gender: Male
Age: 4-6
Size: (Originally he was 34in, 140lbs but it's up to you)
Personality Examples: Proud, Arrogant, Cultured, Ruthless, Strict, Protective, Poised, Reserved, Patient
Appearance: suggested design

Original Unfinished Story Outline

His story does not belong to me and will need to be revised and rewritten by the adopter with the characters new name. The following is in place only to give the adopter an idea of his past and how he is to be shaped.

Born in what once was the Italian Riviera, Hannibal had the chance to leave a normal but uneventful life. His parents were Gianni and Lucia, a beta and a sanatore in their pack, who fell in love as teenagers. But their peaceful life wasn't meant to last. Their pack believed in diplomacy over war and thus were unprepared when, in the winter months during Hannibal's first year another pack ambushed them, their leader a wolf called Enzo. Unfortunately, this pack didn't just want to take over an existing one, no they needed food, and their prey were other wolves.

The takeover was swift but not bloodless. First, the alpha pair and their pups were eaten, to break the spirit if the other pack members then the rest of the pack were herded into caves where they waited like sheep for the slaughter.  Hannibal was the last they found, having climbed onto a treehe evaded his captors for as long as possible,  but after some time Enzo had enough and brought the boy down by force. That was the first time Hannibal managed to get the alpha's attention and it would prove important to him.

In hindsight, Hannibal got lucky in that he was firstly one of the youngest wolves and secondly their usurpers needed new members. And Hannibals age and unique ability to climb trees and mountains like no other made him a possible candidate. But first, he had to be broken, slowly food became scarce and at the same time, Enzo came to the young pup telling him stories of the greatness of his pack and how they were chosen by the gods. Slowly with every passing day, the young boy started to believe him. How could he not?

It was his pack's weakness that brought them into this situation,  made them lose their home and no wait and shiver in hunger. He grew resentful and one afternoon, after months of hunger and captivity, he attacked his mother and ate her. She was weak, more like prey than anything else and in the end his hunger and survival instincts won. This was the moment Enzo had been waiting for, he brought the boy out to the pack proclaiming him a new member and with that he was free. Elevated from prey to predator, never to hunger again.

While Enzo felt safe with having Hannibal around he really shouldn't have been. The now t-year-old boy was still enraged about what happened to him and as much as he hated his pack for their weakness,  Enzo was as much at fault. So Hannibal devised a plan, he lured the old wolf into a trap telling him that two wolves trespassed onto their territory. When they got to the ravine, the young man immediately began to attack Enzo. After a short scuffle, he managed to grab the alphas neck and slammed his head against the stones, crushing the right side of his skull. After Enzo was dead, Hannibal wasted no time dragging the corpse with him to eat later.  Now that the main culprit of his misery was gone he could leave this place,  what happened to the rest wasn't of his concern.

For two years he traveled alone, not getting close to anyone and not wanting to. Then in late spring, he met a very special being. Her name was Lyssa and she was alone. A pup of this age, without a guardian? Hannibal's curiosity was awoken and slowly he managed to gain the little girl's trust. With lessons slowly learned and carefully whispered advice, the adult strengthened not only the young girl's body and mind but also her anger towards her parents. For months he festered her anger and when Lyssa's parents came back it all unleashed. He aided Lyssa in the poisoning of her father and the slaughter of her mother. Afterward, the two departed, and thus began her training.

He is Lyssa's sole mentor. The two are very close but are in no way dependant on each other. As her teacher, he encourages independence, elegance, ruthlessness, and creativity. He is a patient teacher, but very firm. He would be partaking in cannibalism. Beyond his relationship with Lyssa, practicing cannibalism, and being a strict teacher you are welcome to shape him in your image.

Original [Manip by me]
[Image: hannibal-avatar068a7b49cbfa41fd03.png]

Suggested Design
[Image: Cannibal_Daddy_Duel_View.png]

Please fill out the form below. It is encouraged to read Lyssa's profile before creating him.

Gender: Male
Size and Build:
Personality Description:
RP Sample: (At-least two paragraphs)

And now some blatant bribery... He of-course comes with a free manip set from my shop [a detailed full-sized manip and avatar of your choice] AND the colored design above, a new design, or a different colored line art of your choosing.

The Hall of Bribes

[Image: kHaX865.png]

[Image: Rg8Jf4K.png]

[Image: dUH9AbM.png]

Original Character idea by Naddel. Permission given to adopt him out.
Lupa is Nox's bodyguard and second-in-command. While she clearly does her own thing, he's usually not far behind unless instructed otherwise.

[Image: g1hkYWI.png]

Laying down my past I scream.

This is not the end of me.

Time to bury it or me.

I can't take back who I've been but this is where I'll start again.