
The shinobi koi



Advanced Healer (90)

Advanced Fighter (70)

11 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
02-08-2021, 04:43 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2021, 09:04 PM by Deion.)
Name: Nao Satoru (docile ; daybreak)
Sex: Male

Height/Build: light build - medium size (31"? still haven't decided)
Appearance: The graceful sway of his body as he strides is a sight to behold, all elegant curves and carefully chiselled points. Slender limbs ripple with lean musculature, filling him out into something svelte and eye-catching. Every aspect of him appears painfully delicate, fragile even. Like some piece of beautiful glazed pottery, liable to topple from its pedestal at any moment and shatter into a thousand gleaming fragments. This is not the case, however. Nao is a man of deceptive power. Though he may not be an overly large man, his body is tightly wound with cords of steel muscle and sinew capable of delivering devastating blows. A narrow frame tapers into a slender neck and cranium that curve with swan-like elegance. Thin auds stand tall atop his crown, and coupled with the smooth curve of his cheekbones they present a feminine air of beauty upon his features. The androgyny of his slim bodice are part of what has made him so broadly appealing, and capable of drawing the eye of even the most devoted husbands.

In summer his pelage is quite thin and silky, the long strands shining beautifully over his form. Retaining only the necessary fluff between his toes, around his neck, and over the length of his tail in the interest of keeping cool in the summer heat. The rest of his pelt drapes over his bodice, leaving each languid stretch of his limbs and coil of muscle on display. As the temperature drops with the change of seasons, a lush coat smooths over many of his hasher angles and renders his curves significantly subtler. However, the downy undercoat presents a delightful opportunity for lovers to bury themselves in the impossibly soft fluff at the end of a long day.

Where he often stands out in a crowd is the pale hues of his fur. A primarily alabaster coat covers the man. In a select few areas, the patterns of his lineage mark him out as a native of Nippon. Concentrated mostly over his hips and thighs are large, rounded markings of ruddy orange and inky obsidian. His left elbow is similarly stained in an amorphous amalgam of these hues, though to a significantly lesser extent. Most obvious to those he meets, are the stains of these same two shades creating a half mask over the left portion of his face. Rich orange rises from under his jaw, along the left side of his muzzle, only to taper off just as it connects with the cheekbone. From there, the upper portion of his face is dominated by a swath of ebony, claiming his forehead and left brow, but not extending past the space between his ivory auds. A small patch of orange has taken up residence below his left ear as well, while the remainder of his cheek is pale as the rest of him. Another of Nao's unique markings are the small "freckles" along his cheeks, asymmetrically placed over his zygomatic arches, and almost resembling the scales of a fish.

The boys eyes are framed by thick, dark lashes. By all accounts, it should be against the laws of every land for someone to have lashes like that- yet here he is. They intensify the brilliant mint hues of his eyes, which seem to slide over everything around him in a careful appraisal. More often than not, he wears an aloof or dreamy expression, as though the world around him is something charming or quaint. The dark skin of his nose and pawpads is, upon further inspection, a few shades lighter than the dark patches of his fur, and adds an interesting contrast to his form.

Personality: seductive - morally grey - detached - manipulative - lonely
Seductive: Nao knows the quickest route to success is through sex and desire. He gained success by offering his body in exchange for another step towards the top, and it is all he knows. He has nearly mastered the art of gazing up through pale lashes, and pressing the length of his body against the flank of another. It is his primary tactic, and he very much enjoys the games he plays. He is neither repulsed or upset at the prospect of falling into the arms of another, nor does he decline the invitation to spend a night in someone's bed. He is a relentless flirt, and unashamed of it. One might even describe him as a hedonist, if they were to pay any attention to the fervent fascination he has towards earthly pleasures- drink, sex, drugs- they all draw him like a moth to flame.
Morally Grey: not one for drawing lines in the sand, Nao has a tendency to play fast and loose with the rules of life. The name of the game is survival, and he doesn't intend to lose for a long time. When it comes to ensuring his own continuation, nothing is off the table. By any means necessary, he will achieve his goals. A hard life will sway even the most steadfast of moral codes, but he didn't exactly have one to begin with. Nao will align himself however it suits him, provided there is something he stands to gain, usually. Whatever gets him another week, another day, another minute, another breath- he'll probably take it. However, there are a few rules that he is wont to follow; no killing innocents, and absolutely nothing to do with harming children. Otherwise, it's fair game, and he faces his ethical quandaries as they arise.
Detached: Life has not been kind to Nao, to say the very least. He has suffered, and he has done terrible things to make his suffering stop. In the face of said terrible things, he has developed a sort of distance from them. When he puts on a mask to get what he wants, he often finds himself assuming an entirely different persona to suit his needs, which is distinctly not him, and thus, in a way, it isn't exactly him doing these horrible things. The only way he's ever been able to sleep at night, when he manages to, is under the vague impression that he didn't actually do these things. It was someone else, using him as their puppet, and he isn't the source of another's pain. Nao is just the gun, and someone else pulled the trigger. Sometimes, his employers might have found his rosy gaze a little vacant, like he was merely an empty vessel they could fill with their own intent.
Manipulative: a man of many faces, who hides behind a different mask with every new introduction. A tactic of survival he picked up in his earliest days, that is simply an old habit now. He becomes whatever will get him into someone's good graces the easiest, by whatever means are required. The most critical skill to ensure this tactic is successful is the ability to read a room, and cue into the speech patterns of those around you. Through reading such quirks and tells, he lets himself slip into a guise that allows him to drop below the expectations of many, where he can bide his time comfortably until it suits him to show off the extent of his skills. In a similar vein, he tends to take advantage of his small size and waifish build to convince others that he needs protection, or that he is no more than a pretty doll to be cared for and loved.
Lonely: At his core, the boy has suffered greatly from the loss of true intimacy with those around him. In the unending game of lies and string-pulling, he has forgotten the feeling of having someone truly love and care for you. Nao hardly remembers his mother's name, let alone her face. Did he have siblings? The truth is lost to the sands of time and the trials of his history. The only gentle touch he's ever known has always come at the cost of never exposing his true feelings. He is terribly isolated, and starved for genuine affection. There is a chance that the moment someone expresses a genuine desire to know him wholly, and love him unconditionally, it might shatter him entirely. Despite this truth at the core of his being, Nao will never let on how much pain he holds onto.

Skills: fighting and intellect
Plans: .... <.< >.>
let's resolve some shit, or make it all so much worse.
also he's gonna be doing the sexy times. Free koi puppies anyone? (Fatherly role not included, see packaging for details)
Code word: fish