
to the waters edge




3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
02-08-2021, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2021, 08:48 PM by Cosette.)

Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
Tear me to pieces, skin to bone

As she moved further south, the weather became slightly less miserable, but she still felt the cold all the way in her bones. All she wanted to do was bury herself in a pile of plush furs, but she had none, nor did she have a home to keep them. It was times like these that she wished she hadn’t lost her mother and siblings when her former pack fell apart, she wished she had kept better track of them. Life was hard and she had not been prepared for any of the things that came with being on her own. She wondered if she had made a mistake in not taking up the offer to find the pack Valhalla, and moving south rather than north where they were located.

She followed the sound of rushing water, wanting to be in a place that reminded her of her former home. Those lands had been lush and green, nestled between two rivers that flowed into the ocean. This place, while pretty, wasn’t much like the place she came from. It was expected, but a small part of her was still disappointed, as silly as it was. There was one thing she noticed, though, that caught her attention.

The large man was covered in a deep purple shade, and while he looked nothing like any one she knew and was very clearly a stranger, there was a slight reminder of her home, and her violet and plum colored sisters that she used to be surrounded by at almost all times. Her tail wagged at her hips as she approached, slightly nervous to interrupt him if he was busy but unable to hold back the urge to socialize. "Hello..." She spoke shyly, peering up at him from a far enough distance to not invade his personal space.

"Speech" || Thoughts