

Howl 1


09-14-2013, 06:32 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2013, 01:34 AM by Howl 1.)

Apprehension and a sort of discomfort rose up in him as the woman placed her muzzle atop his. Though it seemed something else would flutter up in him, not knowing what it was. He wanted to slink back, wanted to move away from her but his pride wouldn't allow it. His face would produce a blush, and he thanked the stars that it was night. Otherwise, she would have noticed. Her response came as a slight shock to him. So she didn't mind having him here right now...he wondered what had caused her sudden change of mind. Earlier, she seemed moody about his being here, but then he would catch the slight hint of fatigue in her voice. "No.. I suppose I wouldn't mind that at all"

Her voice seemed to drop some, and Howl swore he could detect a hint of tiredness within it. Not only that, but her voice had grown softer, obviously different then how she had previously spoken to him. He wondered how long she had been traveling alone, and where she had come from. He himself had traveled quite a long ways, it had left him beyond tired when he had finally reached Alacritis. He wondered where her previous attitude had run off to, her whole demeanor seemingly changed;that much he could sense at least. Howl had spent too much time around women, mainly his sister and his crazed neglectful mother to know when moods shifted in women. Though he couldn't always tell, it was just experience from what he had to live through. Hazel eyes focused on her as she would begin to circle him. His body shivered slightly as the touch of her tail ran lightly around his body, his heart jolting with surprise for a second. Nobody had ever touched him the way. It was something he was unused to, and he wondered if she was just playing with him or something along those lines. He swallowed nervously, apprehension slowly fading away as he slowly stepped forward to follow her. The look she gave back to him indicating that it was okay to join her tonight.

Howl took a deep silent breath as he settled himself onto his haunches on the left side of the dark fae. His ear flicked towards her as she spoke, and a hint of wonder would enter his mind. Was his frustrations that obvious? He was sure he had been doing well in hiding it...though he did have trouble hiding his true emotions sometimes. Perhaps some of it had just slipped through his eyes...after all, was it not true that they were a window to the soul? He detected more clearly the tiredness that he had initially heard before. But for now, he would not press her on it...perhaps in due time she would tell him more. With a sigh, he glanced back out towards the water, the stars twinkling within the confines of his pupils. "To be honest...I am very frustrated. I have been holding in anger for years now, and I don't know how to let it go." He admitted it. Though it was short and slightly curt, it was obvious that there were deeper reasons and meanings behind his short sentence. Could he trust a stranger with his past?
