
Children of the dark arts



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

10 Years
Large species
02-12-2021, 07:26 PM
Name: Spirit
[Image: 5CPL0mI.png]
Height: 38"
Build: Medium
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Fighting, Healing
38" Medium

Growing up to be taller than her mother but shorter than her father, Spirit will grow to 38" at the shoulder. While wanting to be a well seasoned warrior, despite her fluffy fur today. Her body type will remain in a medium range. Sleek muscle for speed but only a bit of bulk against her enemies. Her pack scent matches that of Habari and her mother, but will soon be the smell of the very herbs she loves to work with.

Spirit is the bleeding of night into day, sporting the front half of her body under an ashen gray coloring. This makes the first half of her coat, the other half being a gray outline that fades into a darker eventually black back including her tail. Spirit believes her namesake is that exact of who she is. The gray bleeding out into the dark - the pup will often boast about her appearance. The first set of markings she has starts at her eyes. Black outlining them against the gray tones of her pelt, they then split off creating a stripe that carrys down her cheek nearly to her jaw. The rest of her gray pelt is littered with black stripes along her neck stopping before her gray pelt fades into the black.

The same goes for the light colored stripes. They outnumber the darker ones, starting at the base of her back and scattering downwards even across her tail. It takes away from the fading marks she has and gives her some flare. The stripes end at the tip of her tail, the silver completely covering it in a completion of her markings. Lastly is her eyes, strikingly purple seemingly shining violet in the light. Her eyes are bright but can hide her emotions well.

Prideful | Joyful | Curious | Loyal

As a young pup Spirit will be a prideful little bundle of joy. She likes to flaunt who her parents are and sometimes annoyingly so. Despite this though she won't ever let anyone tell her otherwise. Her love for her family is great and she wants to grow up to be both just like her mom and dad. Spirit's pride will obviously sometimes get in her way of course. The small pup having a distaste for things go wrong hating to admit that she is anything but the best she can be.

Spirit like many other young pups her age however, is joyful. Unless told she needs to be serious her favorite thing is to joke around and play. Looking forward to basking in the sunlight and wrestling out in the mud with her siblings. Spirit isn't afraid to rough house and most certainly will not grow to dislike things dirty. Considering herself strong Spirit wants nothing more than to be in control of things when she can.

Wanting to have her way with the world Spirit's goals are curious to the bone. It isn't just with fighting though, she loves plants. She loves the idea of poisoning enemies and having the power to heal as well. To have someone else's life rely on your skills. Somehow the idea fascinates her and drives her to be the best healer and fighter that she can be. Even if she is told she can't do both, she'll make an attempt.

Loyalty is a given for a wolf like her. Spirit doesn't take kindly to those who are disloyal to even her own family. She wants to have others backs and the same to her. This goes for those who betray as well. Spirit will not tolerate such behavior and she's prone to holding grudges and never forgiving those who have harmed those close to her. She has an attitude towards those she thinks deserve it.

Plot ideas:
I see spirit wanting to become a master of fighting and healing all the same. Being able to heal the wounds that she herself may have created. Deep down though she'll be an ambitious loyal member of the family. I want her to be devoted to her mother and proud to be her fathers daughter. Anything else I want to see flourish through rp and development, her decision on weather she wants to remain in Habari or go to the Armada is undecided when she's younger. I don't plan her being evil, just more connected with her family and her own loose morals.