
Dinner time



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-12-2021, 09:13 PM
Drachen rose with the sun, the morning light was just starting to chase away the darkness of the night and set the horizon a blaze as he left his den and shook out his pelt. His hawk companion hopped passed him with a small coo of greeting before she took flight and circled off deeper into the plain in search of her own meal and his oceanic blue eyes watched her for a moment before he glanced around him. He had joined Valhalla to repay his debt to the Spirit by help with hunting during the winter season and he had every intention of making do on his promise. So Drachen turned and trotted deeper into the plains and began searching for tracks on the ground and occasionally lifting his earthen nose to the air to draw in the scents deep into his lungs. It took him about half an hour before he found a promising trail, the scent of was fresh enough to suggest the herd of mule deer was still within the territory. Drachen paused, his eyes following the tracks in the snow and earth before he turned his dark face to look over his muscular shoulder back at the dens. He could probably bring down a young or weak deer by himself but if he had help, maybe they could bring down a large buck. The black and tan male turned half way around and tossed his head back to the sky and howled long and loud for the hunt, his voice surprisingly melodic for his size and structure. He had yet to meet any one else of Valhalla besides the Spirit and Ardyn so he was interested in who would answer his call to help him with a hunt. He then stood patiently, although brimming with excitement for other pack mates to arrive.

~A hunt for medium sized prey for skill claim~
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated