
The Holly and The Ivy [Healer's Meeting]



5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - AsexualDouble Master
Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
02-13-2021, 10:08 AM
Waking From A Dream

Lúta smiled and dipped her head in greeting as Aranea was the first to arrive. The next was some what unexpected. One of the pups had answered her call but that would save her having to call a couple of meetings. She did want to see which of the youth had an interest in healing and start getting them involved. She smiled gently. "Hello, there." More members arrived and she dipped her head to each of them in turn, momentarily wondering at the contrast between the indigo man's somber arrival and the spunk of the dog, Outlaw who followed shortly behind. The last to arrive was another one of the pups and she dipped her head in greeting to him as well.

"Thank you everyone for coming. If you don't know me my name is Lúta. Now that we're settled into our new home I wanted to share some of the herbs I've found growing here and I'd love it if others could share what they've found as well for the good of the group. Afterwards, if you'd like I can walk through making green elder ointment from the leaves of the elderberry bush for those that aren't familiar with the process." She had brought plenty of supplies so that everyone who wished to try could give it a shot. While she spoke Raga, her macaque, tended to a nearby fire to get it prepared for crafting. "I found boneset and meadowsweet in the Starlit plains and the elderberry and valerian to the southeast of the castle. Would anyone else like to share what they've found in Auster so far and where? Also if you could add your name as well that would be lovely."


Due Date: February 19th (I plan to post Saturday morning)