
if you were gay, that'd be okay!



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
02-13-2021, 12:22 PM
He didn't know why he'd been overthinking things so much, but it was hard not to. Would he be judged for his admission? That he thought he might have - because he certainly didn't anymore - loved Ignis, too? Theory didn't seem to linger on that statement at all, quickly assuring him that he wasn't at fault. It didn't help the sudden guilt that suddenly nagged at him. If he'd had even a hint that Ignis would've reacted so drastically he would've done... well, he wasn't quite sure, but it didn't matter either. He let out a heavy sigh, though nodded along with her words. "Yeah... I don't know, but he definitely didn't seem like himself."

Thinking for as moment, he was reminded of something. He remembered that giant commotion that had happened in The Battlefield once. He'd ran into Ignis there and he'd seemed pretty excited at the fight that was unfolding, finally admitting that one of the wolves was family. He'd never seen that side of Ignis before and he hadn't thought much about it at the time, but maybe that had been a sign of what could come? Corvus really wasn't sure. "I think the best thing to do is just.. wait it out. Maybe if this is some kind of sickness, a sickness of the mind, it will pass?" Corvus didn't know the first thing about such things, but he could only hope. His tired sigh said he wasn't so sure that'd be the case. Her demand was not something he had the energy to argue either, even if he felt inclined to. "I want nothing to do with him, truly. I wouldn't risk myself, or Abaven, by provoking him." Or Twig. He could never forgive himself if anything happened to her.

But where did they go from here? "We wait," he said carefully. "Maybe we need to hold a quick meeting to alert everyone as to what's going on. At least the news Drifa brought us, and make sure they're all on their toes. Increased patrols. Maybe it's worth seeing if our neighbors have heard anything?" Corvus had been quietly worried at Thalia being introduced to the pack, ever-wary of the Abraxas and any influence they might try to have over Abaven after their tumultuous history. He hadn't expected that Winterfell would be the one they ought to be worrying about, though then again maybe the raid they'd initiated against them - despite the way it had gone down - should have been a warning sign in itself.