
Dancing in the Deep Freeze



3 Years
02-13-2021, 12:50 PM

The more she thought about it, the more certain Amaranth became that the preternatural hush of the forest had less to do with the blanket of snow and more to do with the fact that it was just naturally creepy. It was almost impressive. She was hardly a chickenshit so it wasn't like she was scared or anything, it was just kinda freaky how the gnarled tree trunks were absolutely watching her. She was almost sure of it. Mara hoped they enjoyed the show, because there was no way in hell she was leaving this grove until it warmed up by at least a few degrees.

Creepy or not, the dense woodland was cover enough to keep the worst of winter at bay, at least for now. It was old growth, chock full of sweeping vines and the brittle remains of last year's shrubs and bushes. Enough to block the wind, enough to keep the drifts from piling up, and enough opportunities for shelter in a pinch. Every now and then, in-between the monotonous crunch of snow beneath her paws, she would lift her tail and wag her ass towards no particular tree or rock or shadowy depth in particular, just to make sure they remembered where they stood in the grand order of things. Far be it from her to put on a bit of a show.

A branch snapped behind her, loud and deliberate, and no she did not scream, but if she whirled around that was just basic survival instinct. You had to face your opponent to properly fuck 'em up, right? That was all. Hackles raised, teeth bared, she readied herself for mortal peril... And was met with howling laughter. She bristled, indignation and chagrin warming her more than a crackling fire. "Ed! What the hell?!" The bobcat before her fell sideways into the snow, paws wheeling in the air above him as he cackled. "You should've seen your face!" He was too busy wheezing to see her stalk forward, but shot up quick enough spluttering once Mara kicked a plume of snow directly at his stupid face.

"Idiot! Did you find anything to eat or not?" With her ears pinned and tail held ramrod straight behind her, Mara turned on her heels and stalked back the way she had been heading before. Stupid cat. She'd get him back for that. His wide fluffy paws barely made a sound as he trotted to catch up. "Yeah there's a warren nearby. Smells like hare, but there are a bunch of entrances I think. Dunno if we can flush 'em without them bolting." Mara hummed. Not the best odds, but at least it was something. "Might as well try, right?" Edvard took the lead and began arcing them away from the game trail she'd been following so far. They'd just have to count their lucky stars and hope for the best.

(Amaranth has a male Bobcat companion, if he is not mentioned assume he is not present)