
Dancing in the Deep Freeze



3 Years
02-13-2021, 01:54 PM

Whether he was a man a few words or just a dick, Mara was content to let the male push ahead without a word. Mostly because she wasn't an idiot. She liked to run her mouth as a hobby of sorts, sure, but this brute's vibes were an immaculate mix of 'Don't fuck with me' and 'No, seriously, don't fuck with me.' If he wanted to take the lead more power to him. If things went sideways at least it would be his fault instead of hers. The dogs flanked right and Mara nodded, needing no clarification, before heading left as instructed.

Once away from the trio she saw Ed roll his eyes from the corner of her own and bit back a smirk. Same, but she could put up with some self-important nonsense if it meant dinner would be waiting at the end of it. Between the cold and the snow the scents were faint, but there were a number of tracks laid out before them that helped point her in the right direction. Edvard crept up ahead of her, wide paws keeping him aloft on top of the snow while she fought for footing wherever it was shallow enough not to plunge through. If she had any worldly possessions to bet with, she'd wager the hares were already well aware of their presence, but that didn't mean she wanted to give up the game and flush them before everyone was ready.

Trails of tracks converged in three places on their side of the warren, two burrows amidst a tangle of roots and one beneath a tussock of withered grass. She pointed to the far burrow for Ed and took the two nearest for herself. Now at the burrow's entrance the scent of hare was strong, buoyed by the warmth of multiple bodies within. Mara looked up, trying to check that the three strangers were in place before they began to rout the tasty lil' fluffballs. No need to jump the gun with this crowd.

(Amaranth has a male Bobcat companion, if he is not mentioned assume he is not present)