
Into The Maw of The Storm




8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
02-13-2021, 06:56 PM
Kai returned the chuckle gladly, pleased she took his sense of humor in good stride. There really was nothing quite like having a positive outlook on life. It felt even more important to him now, now that he'd had children, to ensure he lived his life to the fullest and laughed all the while. Being serious all the time was just too much work, so why even bother? Her introduction earned another loud laugh from the male. "I've been here before. Not this exact spot, but," he shrugged, not that she could see him from her position a few long strides up ahead. He'd spent a lot of time in the east overall and these mountains were more familiar to him than the ones in the north, just thanks to where he'd been born and the routes in life he'd taken from there.

Though she was unfamiliar with these lands and definitely stuck out climbing this mountain in the midst of a storm, he admired her determination. Not many individuals possessed such a spirit, wolves or otherwise. "Hard to really get a good grasp of where you're going with all this snow though," he admitted. It wasn't quite blizzard conditions yet but Kai had a feeling it was going to get to that point before the day was finished. He leapt forward a few strides, moving with surprising grace across the icy path as he loped a bit closer to her and onto the ledge she'd found herself on. "I'm not sure. I'm just here on a brief little trip. Gotta get back to my kids before much longer," he admitted. It was a strange thing to say, let alone get used to, but he wouldn't change things for the world.