
Chaos in a Cupcake


Wendigo I


1 Year

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth1K
02-13-2021, 11:12 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2021, 03:09 PM by Wendigo I.)
Wendigo Klein

Wendigo wandered down the mountainside at an unhurried pace. He hopped absently over blackened rock and kicked wildly at the charred remains of foliage. When they inevitably disintegrated he stamped his feet merrily and hooted his approval before moving on. In between the hooting, stamping and kicking he scatted to himself; the sound a constant and uneven drone of noise - his own personal theme song.

He journeyed on, over and through obstacles without batting an eye unless they were particularly dangerous. One such obstacle slowed him to a halt and dropped the theme song down to a quiet hum as he considered his options. Up ahead was a wall of stone that looked quite solid and at its feet was a deep crevice. Laying up it like a big ramp was the charred corpse of some sort of tree. All of the branches had been burned off except for the very top which somehow had escaped the flames and now lay at the top of the rock pile like the dried out nest of some ferocious bird. The rest of the tree may as well have been a charcoal briquet - and a thin one at that. Near the top of the rock pile the tree thinned down to a thin strip of wood that looked like the wind might take it out and knock it into the chasm below.

With a delighted squeal Wendigo raced towards the tree, his imagination running wild. He ran up the log...and was disappointed when he reached the top unscathed. Well, that wouldn't do. Where was the danger? He ran down it again and tried again, this time stomping his feet. No dice. Not even a creak. How rude! Where was his danger, his fun, his near death experience? Oh, he knew just what to do! Humming his theme song at full blast, Wendigo stomped back down the log and stopped at the thinnest spot. And then he started jumping.

screams | actions | whispers